Friday, August 27, 2010

My Very First Blog

I am not use to the whole blogging scene but it seems very interesting. I have created this blog site for my Writing Through Media (ENG1131) class and for the next several weeks I will be posting blogs every Friday. The blog's content will mainly deal with our discussions in class and assigned topics. Surprisingly, I have always wanted to make a blog but I never took the time out to make one or even learn how to. I like to express my ideas and thoughts to others and see their feedback and how they feel about a certain topic or issue. I’m fascinated by what some people have to say and interested in learning from them. So please do feel free to leave your comments on my blogs and tell me what you think.

Writing has not always been my best subject area but I like how this course takes a different approach to writing. It brings out the creative side in writing, making it more appealing. I am excited to do the different projects throughout the semester; I have a good feeling that they will be fun! There are no limits to creativity. Creativity allows you to do the unusual and opens your mind to new ideas. I am not a very creative person in an artistic sense but I do enjoy taking pictures. Pictures capture life’s moments, express ideas, and can have multiple meanings. I like how pictures have the ability to evoke emotions and have different affects on different people. I think it is neat how pictures can be a variety of things. Most importantly, pictures save memories and allow people to keep them in some physical form. I love being able to look back at photos and remember that day or moment in the picture. Pictures are a wonderful part of creativity!

I posted this picture because I feel it depicts the many different outlets and opportunities creativity has to offer.

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