When the word proactive is mentioned many people’s first thought that comes to mind might be acne or an acne solution or even Jessica Simpson. The original meaning of proactive, which many people seem to forget, means to act in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty, taking charge of situations, or to take action before something happens. We associate the word proactive with acne because of the phenomenal acne solution called “Proactiv” that is advertised everywhere and anywhere. You can find Proactiv products in the mall, constantly being advertised on television programs, and in magazine ads. Proactiv also uses a famous celebrity to be the spokes model and face of their product, Jessica Simpson, making Proactive more memorable and famous itself. So other than acne, Proactiv is associated with Jessica Simpson as well. Proactiv has two well known representations of its product through the help of media.
The meaning of the word proactive has a strong relation to the Proactiv product as well. It can be said that Proactiv’s name derives from the meaning of the word. The intentions of the Proactiv acne solution is to clear and prevent acne before it has a chance to happen. By using Proactiv, you are being proactive, making a difference and putting a stop to acne. The brand name Proactiv, also known as their logo, has intentionally used the meaning to represent its line. The company has just spelled the word differently so they could make their own mark. There are so many mediums now in which to market your product from infomercials to regular commercials to mainstream distribution in stores and vending machines. They have become successful because they have marketed themselves with iconic images and have a proven track record. The name and how well the product works are just as important as the symbol and celebrity endorsement. Jessica Simpson is the proof of Proactiv’s success and by using a celebrity the product has more of an appeal to consumers.
Proactive has successfully cornered the niche market for small blemishes to full breakouts because they have used Jessica Simpson’s celebrity endorsement, a recognized name, logo and branding which has ultimately produced a successful and well-renowned product.

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