Friday, September 10, 2010

Sixth Sense Clip Analysis

There are police cars in the beginning of the scene and traffic jams on both sides of the street. *Cultural Code (REF). We all know, well at least in the U.S., that whenever there is traffic there is an accident. Police are on the scene which let us know something has happened, something bad, especially since the traffic is stand still. As the narrative moves forward, we discover how this part ties in with the theme of the scene. Cole sees the victim of this accident outside his window which is maybe why he is ready to reveal his secret to his mother at that point in time.

I’m ready to communicate with you now. Communicate? Tell you my secrets. What is it? You know the accident up there? Yeah. Someone got hurt. They did? A lady, she died. Oh my god. What you can see her? Yes. Where is she? Standing next to my window. Cole you’re scarring me. They scare me too sometimes. They? Ghosts. You see ghosts Cole? Cole nods his head and says they want me to do things for them. ** Hermeneutic Code (HER). Cole builds an enigma when he tells his mother he is ready to communicate which could mean a number of things and that is why his mother questions, “Communicate?” Cole is also indirect and partial with his answers (delays) when talking to his mother. Rather than just coming out and saying that he can see ghosts, he gives bits and pieces of information until the answer is fully exposed. For example, when Cole’s mother asks if he can see her, he just says yes instead of telling her how he can see her. As a result, she continues to ask Cole more questions. She asks Cole where she is and he says outside of his window so the camera shoots over to Cole’s window and the biker victim is standing there although his mom cannot see her (equivocation). When Cole starts to finally reveal the truth the camera does a shot-reverse-shot (promise of an answer).  Cole tells his mother how he has seen and spoke to her grandmother (disclosure), giving proof to what he has said is indeed the truth. ***Proairetic Code (ACT).  Before and after each of Cole’s responses he takes a long pause (also part of HER: suspended answer) which is a behavior that adds suspense and drama to the scene.  Cole’s mother sticks her head out the window when he tells her he can see the biker victim because she is unaware that he can see ghosts and that the victim is standing outside of his window, so as many would assume, she thinks that he sees the biker victim at the site of the accident.

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